Sunday 1 April 2012

happy ever after

Okay,aku rase dh berhabuk habis punye habis dh blog aku nih.haha jap2 *fuhh2* okayh habuk dh hilang.haha.Back to tht topic,okay hri ni sumpah aku rse macam dh kahwin betul2 haha.Tadi aku bawa nana pergi makan,then bawak jalan2 then pergi zemart jap sbb aku nk bli kropok.haha.mse kat zemart la aku rse mcm kteorg ni mmg dh kahwin.haha.sumpah klakar la.nasib beli kropok je,kalaw beli ayam ke ikan ke mmg org ckp kteorg ni suami isteri la.haaha.i was like HOMAIGOD....aku happy sgt2 weyh..aku rse korang yg kt luar tu yg bercintan cintun tu x bole beat la kiteorg pye romantic ni my lovely wife, i just wanted to say tht i love you so much n i'll really make sure that one day i'll throw this word to you "Will YOU Marry ME?!" haha.okay that's it for today.i love you nana :'D

1 comment:

  1. oh so shewwiiittt :')
    nak juga la ajak fahmi buat cenggini >.<
    kalau dia tak nak dan dan tu juga aku ugut dia .
